Caught for time? Check out these clips and then pop back for the complete discussion when you realise it's essential listening.

This August George Metakides joined a diverse panel in TU Wien's Summer School to discuss Digital Humanism. These are each 60 second clips to give a sample of the thoughts and themes discussed by the panel.
Listen to George explain why Digital Humanism matters.
Prof Wendy Hall - reading recommendation that inspired her work as a professor and a founding member of the Web Science Trust.
Here Wendy goes on to name the alliance members joining forces to add weight to their individual work.
Thank you to Councillor Veronica Kaup-Hasler of Vienna's council for announcing the real funding support for Digital Humanism
A darkness encroaching - George Metakides. This is urgent and this is important.
What can a city do? Back to Veronica:
The full 90 minute conversation is worth listening to. This sets the stage for Digital Humanism, explains the background, sets it in a time where we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Internet, yet are concerned for the future influenced by AI. Wars are raging, politics has changed and how politics and technology influence each other directly impacts democracy and business.
Are we ready? Are we informed enough? Listen to these panelists bring their experience and ideas for the future to you. Don't say you weren't told.