Digital Enlightenment Forum organized a policy boot camp on 20-22 May
2022. Based on our successful fireside chats we brought 25 young
professionals and PhD/master's students together for a full weekend of
policy exploration and team work, in Brussels. The participants had
prepared the themes themselves: AI, social policy in the digital age,
digital rights, cybersecurity, sovereignty.
The policy boot camp included interaction with high-level personalities from
the world of EU policy, including Toomas Ilves, former President of Estonia,
Anna Asimakopoulou, MEP, and Anne Bucher former Director-General of the
European Commission.

We are grateful for the generosity of the sponsors that have made this
Policy Boot Camp possible: EY (gold), Mastercard (gold), Allied For
Startups, Hanover Communications, and Teneo.
If you are interested in the future to take part in the Digital
Enlightenment fireside chats or in a future policy boot camp, please
indicate your interest by clicking on the Join link in the menu of this