Join our community in debate and policy development on the potential and risks of digitisation in our society, politics, and individual life.
Anni Rowland-Campbell
Board Member
Anni Rowland-Campbell is a philanthropist and Web Science practitioner. She is Director of Intersticia a global charity and social enterprise which focuses on helping to develop emerging stewards for the 21st Century.
For the past two decades Anni has worked with Boards, Senior Leadership and Management Teams to help them become Smarter Humans as they increasingly operate within the digital world. In 2017 she co-created Brave Conversations in order to bring these conversations to the general public.
Cristiano Codagnone
Board Member
Cristiano is Aggregate Professor at at Milan State University (Department of Social and Political Sciences), Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, Department of Communication Studies) and in Barcelona he is the Director of the UOC spin-off research company Open Evidence SL and of the Research Group Applied Social Science and Behavioural Economics (ASSBE).
Reinhard is co-founder of the Digital Enlightenment Forum.
Leanne Fry
Board Member
Leanne is Chief Information Officer at AUSTRAC. She has had broad experience across multiple sectors in digital services and delivery, governance, ICT, marketing and communications, business improvement and web science. Leanne is passionate about technology and digital and the opportunities they both provide citizen, government, consumer and organisation.
​Board Member and Honorary President
George Metakides
George Metakides received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Logic from Cornell University in 1971 and then pursued an academic career atMIT, Cornell and Rochester University. He returned to Europe and established and headed up the department for Basic Research and International Scientific Relations in Information Technologies at the European Commission from 1988 to 1993, was Director of the ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Information Technologies, from 1993 until its completion in 1998, followed by the Information Society Technologies (IST) Program (1998-2002). In 2002 he returned to his professorship at Patras until his retirement in 2012.
George is a Visiting professor at the University of Southampton, a Trustee of the Web Science Trust and Adjunct Professor at the European University of Cyprus.
In 2010 George co-Founded the Digital Enlightenment Forum (now Foundation) and since then has been an advisor to numerous international organisations with a focus on the analysis of the economic, political and social impact of digitisation related regulatory issues and the promotion of international cooperation towards a digital ecosystem respecting shared human values.
Board Member
Thanassis Tiropanis
Thanassis is professor at the University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), Web and Internet Science Group with an expertise is in decentralised data architectures and the study of the evolution and impact of the Web and the Internet as socio-technical artefacts.
Thanassis has led research in these areas for over two decades and is a fellow and a chartered IT professional with the BCS, a senior member of IEEE, a fellow of the Higher Education academy in the UK, a member of the ACM and a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece.
President ad-interim and Treasurer
Jacques Bus
Jacques has been involved in the areas of Digital Trust and Trust in Digital Life for many years with a broad experience in the development of EU policy around Trust and Security.
Former European Commission staff member in the ICT programmes and co-founder of the Digital Enlightenment Forum.