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20 April 2023 at 16:00 CEST - Online

Everyday AI

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Everyday AI


The way in which people make sense of technology within the different, often mundane situations of their everyday lives has been at the forefront of my interest for a long time. Aside from the many AIs and algorithms that work unnoticed in the background, there are also more and more situations in which we deliberately use algorithms, discuss how they work, find explanatory patterns and share them with each other. We adapt or change everyday practices with the aim of influencing, profiting from or disrupting the algorithm. My research asks questions such as: What do social media users think about AIs being used for automated content moderation? How do gamers react to AI-enhanced characters or AI-based skills matching? What does it mean for workers to be collaborating with algorithms in order to make important decisions, e.g. about credits being granted or whom to hire? We will discuss how a perspective on the everyday allows to ask important questions about the AIs we have and the AIs we want.

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About the host

Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda is Professor of Digital Culture and Director of the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. She studied cultural anthropology, computer science and history in Tübingen and Frankfurt in Germany and received her PhD from Lancaster University in the UK in 2009. Before coming to Klagenfurt, she was a team leader at the GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne. She works at the intersection between the social sciences and the computer sciences and her research interests are algorithms in everyday life and work, fair AI, datafication, data practices, data ethics and computer games. She is co-editor of the ‘Digital Sociology’ series at transcript, an associated researcher at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies CAIS and has co-organized several ACM Web Science conferences. 


Digital Enlightenment  Forum is a non-profit association established in the Netherlands

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